7th. International Seminar

Mexican Accountability Network 2018

October 1st / Hotel Camino Real Polanco

October 2nd / UDLAP Jenkins Graduate School, Mexico City



Constitutional reforms made in May 2015 and, subsequently, the approval of the first package of laws that gave life to the National Anti-Corruption System (SNA) was product of an unprecedented effort of organized civil society, with the support of academic institutions and business sector. New regulations contemplates the creation of a Coordination Committee in charge of the design, evaluation and promotion of anti-corruption policies, which started activities in 2017 and is made up of: the Chairman of the SNA Citizens Committee, which is also the head of the System, the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection (INAI), the Federal Court of Administrative Justice (TFJA), the Council of the Federal Judiciary (CJF), the Function Public Agency (SFP), the Superior Audit Office of the Federation (ASF) and the Corruption Prosecutor’s Office.

Corruption problems in Mexico have led to the capture of bureaucracy, budgets and decisions and has resulted in the State (in)capacity to control that private interests remain above public benefits. It is a form of social organization that is characterized by distribution of goods on a non-universalist basis that reflects the restricted access to human rights and distribution of power. It´s being more than one year after SNA started-up and nowadays, the discussion must be focused on the processes to consolidate the first actions of this system. To do this, it is necessary to approve a National Anti-Corruption Policy (PNA) that defines the corruption problem in a very clear and objective way, as well as the design of policy actions that achieve a transparent and public coordination of the bodies in charge to monitor the work of officials, increase confidence in public administration, generate research capabilities and strengthen the work of specialized courts in the fight against corruption and improve the establishment of responsibilities in this field.


The Seminar aims to discuss strategies that have worked at an international level to fight against corruption, as well as to present challenges that are still pending to consolidate the National Anti-Corruption Policy in a country which has huge differences among all its government levels to standardize strategies and generate capacities. Keynotes and discussion panels will offer a space to understand visions that exist to address the problem of corruption. The intention is to enrich the debate and contribute to the PNA incorporating the best strategies to fundamentally transform the public administration.

In addition, the seminar will provide a training space for members of the Accountability Network and public sector also open to participants, which will transmit useful tools to the better understanding of audit processes, corporate corruption, proactive transparency, budget exercise and document management.


  1. The Seminar will take place during a day and a half. Four panels and one keynote speech on the first day and five workshops on selected topics the second day.

  1. Participants will be in contact with representatives from civil society organizations, academic and public institutions, as well as international institutions. Each panel will be moderated by an expert who will put forth questions to contextualize and trigger debate.

  1. All activities will be recorded to produce electronic and printed memoirs. Interviews, videos and podcasts will also be broadcasted throughout the Seminar.

  1. A website will be available for registration, related and relevant documents, resume of each participant and memories of each activity. All information and material shared will be uploaded after the event.


  1. There will be simultaneous transmission via streaming.


  • 1 keynote speech
  • 4 discussion panels
  • 5 specialized workshops in anti-corruption tools



  1. AGENDA*

DAY 1 (October 1st)


8:30 – 9:00 REGISTRY

9:00 – 9:45 OPENING

Welcome to the Seminar: Sergio López Ayllón, Director General del CIDE

  • Francisco Javier Acuña, Comisionado Presidente del INAI
  • Julio Bacio, OCDE
  • Guillermo Cejudo, Director Académico del CIDE
  • David Colmenares, Auditor Superior de la Federación
  • Arely Gómez, Secretaria de la Función Pública
  • Hans Mathieu, Director Fundación Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, México
  • Mauricio Merino, Coordinador General del PIRC / CIDE
  • Lourdes Morales, Coordinadora de la Red por la Rendición de Cuentas
  • Ricardo Salgado, Secretario Ejecutivo del SNA


* Program may be adjust



The Roots of Corruption

Introducing:  Cecilia Azuara Arai (INE)

Robert I. Rotberg

11:15 – 13:00 PANEL I

Professionalization to fight against corruption in federal states

Specialists will analyze different strategies that have been successful in other countries to consolidate career patterns, regulate conflict of interest and reduce capture of public positions to contribute transformation of public administration and design actions for the National Anticorruption Policy.

   Presenter: Blanca Lilia Ibarra, INAI

* Jacobo García Villarreal (OCDE)

* Dante Preisser (SFP)

* Merilee S. Grindle (Harvard University)


13:00 – 14:30 PANEL II

Citizen audit and fiscalization to fight against corruption and exercise of rights

This panel will discuss successful strategies in the identification of corruption networks, as well as the challenges institutions face to achieve collaboration mechanisms between institutions that have information to identify patterns of public resources misappropriation.

Presenter: Liliana Veloz, RRC

* Renzo Lavin (ACIJ)

* Benjamín Fuentes Castro (ASF)

* Jonathon Oldmixon (GAO)

* Ernesto Isunza (CIESAS)


14:30-15:45 LUNCH


16:00 – 17:30 PANEL III

Corporations and corruption networks. Beyond Ethical Codes

This panel will analyze policy actions to prevent, investigate, punish and compensate damages caused by corruption. It also will present tools of financial intelligence and the way it helps to implement actions that can be incorporated into the anti-corruption policy.

Presenter: Edna Jaime, México Evalúa

* Sandro García (CNBV)

* Alejandro Ríos Rippa (IENova)

* José Luis Aguilar Camargo (NYCE)

* Juan Francisco Millán (Cetifarma)

* Yara Esquivel (Banco Mundial)


17:45-19:00 PANEL IV

Towards a National Anti-corruption policy in Mexico: challenges for the new administration

Specialists will present advances in the consultation process of the National Anti-Corruption Policy and members of the SNA Coordinator Committee will share opinions about the challenges to consolidate strategies to fight against corruption.

  Presenter: Lourdes Morales (RRC)

* Mauricio Merino (CIDE)

* Marieclaire Acosta (CPC-SNA)

* Arely Gómez (SFP)

* Francisco Javier Acuña (INAI)

* Carlos Chaurand Arzate (TFJA)

* Alfonso Pérez Daza (CJF)

* Ricardo Salgado (SESNA)

* Julio Bacio (OCDE)

* David Colmenares (ASF)



19:00-19:30 Final Comments

Priorities to fight against corruption in the new administration

Presenter: Jesús Cantú


* Irma Eréndira Sandoval, equipo de transición del Poder Ejecutivo

* Zoé Robledo Aburto, equipo de transición del Poder Ejecutivo







  DAY 2 (October 2nd)

9:00-9:30 REGISTRY

     There will be 5 simultaneous workshops so that participants can select the one of their interest.



WORKSHOP 1. Fiscalization information for social audit  Specialist: David Villanueva, Gerardo Guzmán Tenorio y Juan José Rosas (Auditoría de Puebla)


            Objective: Explore different ways of using information to conduct citizen audits, academic research and journalistic investigations. What fiscalization information is produced and how can it be used to increase surveillance and social demands?


Target to: social organizations, academics, journalists and citizen groups.



WORKSHOP 2. Corporate integrity and strategies to fight against corruption Specialist: Alejandro Ríos Rippa, IENova


Objective: Review best practices in detection, prevention and punishment of acts of corporate corruption, as well as weaknesses and areas of opportunity in the promotion of business integrity from the current regulatory framework.


Target to: business chambers, lawyers, professionals, public officers, social organizations, and specialized journalists.


9:30- 13:00

WORKSHOP 3. Proactive transparency and open data Specialist: Alejandro González

Objective: This workshop will provide concepts and tools from specific cases that can help obligated subjects to detect information needs and place in accessible data formats for social utility.

Target to: public and private institutions.



WORKSHOP 4. Document management: the new General Archives Law Specialist: Ramón Aguilera (EMAAC)

Objective: Since approval of the new General Archives Law and beyond the pending harmonization process in the states, in this workshop participants could have access for an updated diagnosis of the situation of the archives, the challenges that will be faced for an adequate implementation and get introduced to basic tools of self-diagnosis and improvement in accountability of public and private institutions.

Target to: transparency agencies, social organizations, public institutions, specialists in public administration, journalists and researchers.



WORKSHOP 5. Public liability and serious administrative faults: General Responsibilities Law

Specialist: José Roldán Xopa (CIDE)

Objective: Through this workshop, participants will review various corruption behaviors, as well as the new obligations and responsibilities of public servants and private entities that are subject to the law.

Target to: public officers, businessmen, journalists, organizations and researchers.